

The plight of heroin addiction
Born and raised in Switzerland, educated in good schools, polite and gentle. He fell into heroin addiction. In time, left all alone to fight the illness. Fell into Methadone and Heroine more and more…

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Anatomy of an Opiate

Many have heard of opiate addiction but it’s more than likely that some have struggled to understand how such an addiction can occur, and why.  Opiates have a powerful effect on the body and can become addictive when used continuously for a certain period of time.  It is first helpful to understand what an opiate is and how it works.

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Vitamin D Receptors

Vitamin D receptors are in every cell of our body. Over 80 metabolic processes are dependent on it.
Inadequate Vitamin D levels will lead to musculoskeletal pain, which would in most cases, mislead opiate dependent patients into raising opiate dosages. It may also lead doctors into a false diagnostic on any patient with general unspecific pain.

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