Betrayal and Trust – Philip Seymour Hoffman

They became so intimate to us
We set no walls or barriers when we expose ourselves willingly and knowingly to them.
Most of the time, we allow them to invade our world in a more intimate way then we would let a sister, brother or best friend.
On this long and yet short trail of leaving, they become our teachers, healers even advisers.
We engage ourselves again and again, in this emotional dance, where they lead us to a collage of rhythms and colors from white to black.
True healers.
They play their roles; we applaud them for that. They receive medals and wealth on return. But they are caged and underrated for eternity, by the label of entertainers.
I think Willie Nelson could sing: “Mama don’t let your babies become actors…make them become doctors and lawyers or so….”
Lawyers and Doctors…
In doctors we trust.
They became so intimate to us
We set no walls or barriers when we expose ourselves willingly and knowingly to them.
Most of the time we allow them to invade our world in a more intimate way then we would let a sister, brother or close friend.
We are made believe that they are true with their craft.
They know what is best for us.
They are updated and they have no strings attached.
John Lennon sang…” I heard the news today, Oh Boy….” And the news was…
“Oscar-winning actor Philip Seymour Hoffman was found dead Sunday morning on the bathroom floor of his West Village apartment with a hypodermic needle in his arm and bags of heroin nearby, law enforcement sources said. He was 46. The sources called the shocking death of Hoffman, who had struggled with addiction and reportedly did a 10-day stint in rehab in May, an apparent overdose.”
Apparently, after his detox “treatment”, he was left alone to fight an illness that was left untreated by doctors, as many others we have lost before.
Cravings are a treatable medical condition that should and could have been treated by modern medicine.
But it was not, and due to doctor’s ignorance, Seymour Hoffman paid the ultimate price.
He lost, we lost, the world lost someone who never let us down. Who perform his work with, truth and honesty.
The man that never betrayed his work, was terribly betrayed.
Rest in Peace Seymour and please, have mercy on the souls of those who take their work not as serious as you took yours.